Hi there!
Thank you for visiting my blog. I value companies to help with my personal investing decisions. I share my work in the hope it may add value for others on their own investing journeys.
Everything on this site is my personal work. I do not professionally value companies as part of my “day job”. I have not worked in finance, banking or any other professional fields related to valuing companies or investing. I have a Bachelors in Business Management (BBM), a Masters in Business Administration (MBA), and have learnt most of what I know about valuations through online courses or self-taught research. Shout out to Professor Ashwath Damodaran for his amazing educational content.
So PLEASE do not treat anything on this site as financial or investing advice. I am not qualified to be a financial advisor nor can I help anyone with their personal investing decisions. On the contrary, I continue to learn and welcome your feedback on how I can improve my valuations and this website. I try to be as transparent as possible with my work so you can evaluate and critique (or disregard) the analysis for yourself.
Have a great day!
The information and publications on this site are not intended to be and do not constitute financial advice, investment advice, trading advice or any other advice or recommendation of any sort. All content on this site is for information purposes only and is of a general nature and does not address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Nitin’s Valuations and the authors of content on this site are not responsible for any loss arising from any investment based on any perceived recommendation, forecast or any other information contained here. You alone assume the sole responsibility of evaluating the merits and risks associated with the use of any information or other content on this site.